The time during my college years, I would frequent the gymnasium practically every day, even though I spent lots of time working out, the issue of being overweight persisted for me. I practically live at the gym; I had very few friends that weren't members of my health club. One of the downfalls of the membership at the gym was that I spent a lot of my time socializing with fellow members. The focal point of my workout was the weight bench, I would try to get in some interval Training, run thirty minutes on the treadmill, and time permitted I would use the upper body recumbent cycle, The elliptical trainer was my favorite piece of equipment this exercise routine helped me achieve my greatest fitness level, this is one of the fitness exercise that I tried to get in at the end of each visit.
When I graduated from college my outlook on working out and staying physically fit took a drastic turn for the worst. With a new job that was very demanding and trying to study for an advanced degree, left me with very little time to stay fit. And by that fact that the gym was quite some distance for home or work was really eating away at my much need minutes. I begin to start having weight issues that were starting to impact on my health; I then decided that I was going to invest in home gym exercise equipment. what made me come to this conclusion when a construction project created such a traffic nightmare that I was forced to drastically cut my workout routine to a point that it was virtually useless to put forth the effort to even come.
Now that I have made this decision to invest in a home gym, but I asked myself what could I buy that I was going to give me the same level of exercise at home that I was getting at the health club. With limited space available for a large array of home exercise equipment I need to figure out what was going to give me at least an equivalent work to the gym with an at home workout, but with fewer numbers of workout equipment. If I was going to stay fit by working out at home I wanted good quality fitness equipment that was going to give me good results with my weight loss.
These are the first items I purchase for my personal gym. A Treadmill for cardio health, a rowing machine for upper body strength and a fitness cycle to improve endurance. My next purchase is going to be something that will provide me with some weight training this all happened to me a few years ago, and I am happy to report to you that my plan worked out like I thought it would. I got a lot of my time back and I have been able to keep my weight down. To anyone who cannot make the time to spend going to the gym, I highly recommend that you get yourself some home exercise equipment. I recommend an elliptical fitness trainer, a quality treadmill, and a recumbent bike.